The Ibushi-gin sake collection features an elegant design coated in a sleek black gunmetal finish. These vessels can be utilized for chilled sake or inserted into sake warmers for a warm serving, while the cups can also function as a petite appetizer dish. Crafted in Japan.
- Materials: Ceramic
Short: 5.25" tall, 2.1" wide, 0.30 pounds
Tall: 6.8" tall, 2.25" wide, 0.49 pounds, 10 oz
Small(Size/Weight): 1 5/8" dia., 1 7/8" tall, 0.12 pound, 1 oz
Tall(Size/Weight): 1 5/8" dia., 2 1/4" tall, 0.14 pound, 1.5 oz
- New
- Made in Japan
Item Codes:
Carafes: Short: F373B / Tall: MT706/TK
Cups: Small:MT-713TK / Tall:MT-712TK
*Please be advised that each piece has a unique design and some color variation may occur because of the partially hand-made process. (It may look slightly different from the photo.)